Monday, October 30, 2017


GROUP PROJECT: Adapting a fable or fairy tale story theater style for the stage


In small groups, you will be adapting a fable or fairy tale for the stage.

Your project requires:

1. A script for a skit with parts for a narrator and other characters.

2. A set and costume design (make slide show of Google images).

3. A song to be sung for the skit by a character(s) to set the scene.  You can write the words to any famous melody or use music in the background.

4. A performance for the class.

What is the difference between a fable and a fairy tale?

1. Review with students the elements of a fable: characters, setting, events and a moral. In most fables the characters are animals. These animals usually represent specific human qualities(personification).
2. Review the concept of a moral. Tell students that fables are meant to teach a lesson or moral. The moral is usually revealed at the end of the fable. Sometimes the moral is delivered as a statement, such as "Be happy with what you have," or "It is easier to think up a plan than to carry it out."

The Beaver and the Lumberjack
By Carol Montgomery ©2010

From the early part of the script after the narrators and Lumberjack have been introduced...

Narrator 1:  Beaver lived around that river, heard the moans and appeared.

Beaver:  (happily)  Yo!  Hey there!  What's up?  Why all the commotion?

Lumberjack:  (moans)  I'm a poor, honest, hard-working man who makes a living cutting down trees and selling the wood.  But, I accidentally dropped my axe just now in the river.  I have no other way to make money.  (moans louder)

Beaver:  No problem, Friend.  I can swim.  It happens.  I'll be right back.

Narrator 2:  So, Beaver slid down the steep bank and dove into the river, retrieving an axe of solid gold.  (Continued...)

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