Friday, April 24, 2020

Week #2--MP4--Write a Short Story

ASSIGNMENT #3---Due Friday, May 1 (or sooner for weekly credit)

Write a short story based on one of these picture prompts.  Use the first line of the story from the picture.  

1.Story should be 2-3 pages with characters, plot, dialogue, conflict and description, etc.
2.Use a Google doc and post your story on Google Classroom for credit.
3.Be sure to use fiction elements of character, setting, plot, conflict,description, etc.  

4.Use MLA heading (see previous post for instructions) and Times New Roman font--12 point (no larger font!--you will lose points!).

Here is the link to the STORY STARTER:

The Mysteries of Harris Burdick

More resources (view these videos):
About Short Story elements:

About The Mysteries of Harris Burdick:

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Assignments 1 and 2 for week of 4/20-4/24/Heart Map


Assignment #1 (DUE Tuesday, 4/21)--Sign in to Google Classroom (6wdat4d) and Class blog (

Assignment #2  (DUE Friday, 4/24 and post on Google Classroom) Take a picture of your Heart Map and write a Baseline essay.  Be sure to post on Google Classroom.

Fill in your Heart Map.  Select one or two subjects to write about.  Try to write 3 paragraphs at least as a Baseline Writing piece.  Have fun drawing and coloring in your Heart Map.  Here is the link to the pdf which you can download.  I've also placed the pdf on Google Classroom for you.  If you can't print out the blank page, draw one of your own and take a picture of it.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Welcome to Creative Writing 7

1. Welcome to Creative Writing 7

My name is Ms. Gamzon.  I look forward to teaching you this marking period
(although it will be new and a little different for all of us)!  We will get through it,
and I hope you will enjoy CW7 and have a chance to explore different kinds of writing.
 A lot of the assignments will ask you to express your creativity and imagination.
That can be very exciting!

2. Go to the Class BLOG:
Click on the star up at top to bookmark it and find the page 
whenever you need it.
Here you will find new assignments (and can check out 
assignments from previous marking periods if you are curious).

3. Very important!!!
:  Google classroom 6wdat4d
Here you will be able to post your assignments and receive credit for them.  

4. Please show the attached course criteria sheet to your parent/guardian
and ask them to send me an email where I can reach them.

5. As we begin to create writing and you submit work on Google Classroom, please use the following heading:
Use Times New Roman font  12 pt.

Your name
Teacher name

Some shortcuts for writing:
Crtl A--select all
Ctrl C--cut
Ctrl V--paste
Ctrl P--print

I've attached the course criteria sheet that I usually give out on Day 1.  Again, please share it with your parent or guardian.  Please be sure to check the blog ( and sign in to Google Classroom.

THANKS!  Looking forward to getting to know you at a distance (and hopefully in person soon).  Stay well!
Attachments area

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Join vocabulary. com


You can join with my account and learn new vocabulary online by using this link:

It's fun!

More Free Writing Prompts

Check out these websites for more creative writing prompts:

31 Fun Writing Prompts for Middle School Students

1. Create your own holiday.  What would you celebrate?  How could you get others to join in the fun?
2. Would you rather hang out by yourself after school or with friends?
3. If you could end any one problem in the world, what would it be?  Why?
4. What does it feel like to be wrong?
5. Write about three values that are important to your family.
6. Could you ever be a vegetarian?  Why or why not?
7. If someone wrote a book about you, what would it be about?
8. What does it mean to be a feminist?
9. Write a poem about your favorite activity or hobby.
10. Write about the best vacation you ever took.
11. Write about a time when someone helped you.  How did you feel afterward?
12. Do you prefer to read books that are parts of series or standalone books?  Why?
13. Would you rather jump out of a plane or go scuba diving?  Why?
14. Write a poem about love—what does it mean?
15. What is your favorite TV show?  What do you like about it?
16. How would your best friend describe you?
Journal writing is a fabulous way to reinforce your child's middle school writing practice because it is creative, versatile, and easy to implement into lesson plans!
17. What is your favorite way to be creative?
18. Are you the last person to speak up in a group or the first to have an idea?  Why do you think that is?
19. Why do we give respect to senior citizens and people who are our elders?
20. Write a poem about your classroom.
21. Would you rather paint or sculpt?  Why?
22. How would you like to help in our community?
23. If you could throw a party for all your friends, what would it be like?  Where would you hold it?  What would you do?  Who would come?
24. What is your favorite thing to do at recess on a nice day?
25. Write about the most important thing in your life.
26. Write a poem about spring flowers.
27. If you could live inside any video game, which would you choose?  Why?
28. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
29. Write about a goal you accomplished recently.  How did you feel when you finished it?
30. Write about a rule at school or at home that you don’t like.  How would you replace it?
31. Write about something your parents always tell you.
Until next time, write on…