Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Music as Inspiration--Assignment #10

Music as Inspiration--Assignment #10

Play that Song

Turn on music that you love. Listen carefully.

1. How does the song make you feel?

Tap into the emotions the song conjures up. Consider the mood that the song sets. With a focus on that feeling—joy, sadness, triumph, love, regret, whatever it is—write a piece that also conveys the same emotion.

2. What do the lyrics make you think about?

Sometimes the lyrics will tell a story; try to expand on that story by writing it in prose form. Or perhaps the song gives you a portrait of a character; use that description and fill in the blanks to create your own scene. Or finally, the lyrics may take you back to a time in your past; mine that memory for inspiration and write about your own experience.

3. What kind of story would use this song as a soundtrack?

Imagine the story you are about to write will be made into a movie (we can dream, right?) and this song will be on the soundtrack. Use the song to dream up a movie-worthy plot point or to envision a new setting or character.
What type of music inspires you? Is there a specific song that really moves you?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Assignment #9--Music Writing Prompts

Music Writing Prompts--Assignment #9

Musical Writing Prompts
Write a page of nonfiction! Select a prompt (or two) and write a page of nonfiction---personal essay!

Why not write about a musical subject?

1.     What is your favorite instrument, why?

2.     If you could learn to play any instrument, which one would you choose and why?

3.     Who is your favorite singer?  Describe why you enjoy their music.

4.     Music and emotions run hand in hand.  Describe a time when music helped you get through a tough time.

5.     Music can be used to really get people excited and focus on a task.  Describe a time when you noticed that music was used this way.

6.     All right dancing kings and queens:  Describe your dancing style in a paragraph.

7.     Mozart was a child prodigy.  This means that when he was a child he had extraordinary talent and skills.  If you could be child prodigy, what skills would you like to have?   Why?

8.     Sometimes music reminds of events that have happened in our lives.  Describe a time when music reminded you a funny time in your life.

9.     Imagine that you are an amazing inventor.  You have just created a NEW woodwind instrument.  Describe what it looks like, how it is played and be sure to give your cool new instrument a name.  Don't forget that this is a WOODWIND instrument.

10. Imagine that you are an amazing inventor.  You have just created a NEW brass instrument.  Describe what it looks like, how it is played and be sure to give your cool new instrument a name.  Don't forget that this is a BRASS instrument.

11. Imagine that you are an amazing inventor.  You have just created a NEW string instrument.  Describe what it looks like, how it is played and be sure to give your cool new instrument a name.  Don't forget that this is a STRING instrument.

12. What kind of musical present would you like to receive?  Describe it and don't forget to tell me why!

13. Your parents have decided to take you to ANY concert that you would like to see next week.  Who would you like to see and why?

14. Your music teacher has decided to take two students to see a new musical on Broadway!  Write a letter asking to be one of the students she chooses. Be sure to use all the parts of a letter and don't forget to be convincing!  Lay on the charm!!!

15. Unfortunately, some schools are not as lucky as we are to have music classes that meet every week.  Some schools have lost music class all together! Think about the reasons that it is important to have music in our school.  Write a persuasive paragraph about this topic.

16. What great book do you think should be turned into a song?  Describe the kind of song it should be.  (happy, sad, rap music, country music, fast/slow, etc...)

17. You are an amazing inventor and you have been asked to create a musical instrument that can be used under the water!  Introduce your new instrument in a paragraph and then draw a sketch of what your  instrument might look like below it.

18. If you could audition for American  Idol, what song would you choose? Describe how your audition would  go.

19. Oh no!  You have the Rock and Roll Flu!  You can only speak in song titles!  Write a short play (with two or more characters) in which  your character only speaks in song titles.

20. Music gives us a voice for our patriotism.  What is your favorite patriotic song?   Why?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Book of Qualities #8

Book of qualities Assignment #8

Link to Ruth Gendler's blog and website:

 New Writing Project:  Assignment #8

The Qualities

Create two "quality" personifications similar to the ones that Ruth Gendler has written.
Select an emotion and give it the qualities of a human being--personification!  How does this emotion act, "feel", live?  Who are friends of this emotion?  What does this emotion look like physically (if he or she were a person)?  Use vivid DESCRIPTION to PERSONIFY this emotion.

Those of you who would like to can also draw a picture of your "character" and we will try to publish a class book of "The Qualities" at the end of the marking period

Monday, February 11, 2019

Assignment #7 Ekphrastic poem

Assignment #7 Ekphrastic Poetry

Ekphrastic Poetry


EQ: What is ekphrastic poetry?

Ekphrasis is writing about any art form, but in its modern usage, ekphrasis generally refers to poetry that reflects on visual art, and most often painting. In my classroom, I often choose one or two artists for an in-depth study. Once my students are experts about the artists, they each choose a meaningful piece of work to inspire a poem. 



The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Students select a postcard or find artwork on the internet.  Write a poem describing or inspired by the artwork.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Story Prompt

Story Prompts--Assignment #6


Write a short story based on one of these picture prompts.

The Mysteries of Harris Burdick


Moviemaker instructions

Moviemaker instructions

Add "slide"--TITLE (home)
Add text--CAPTION (home)--can change size, color, font, etc.
Add video or photo (home)
Add music (home)

Link for music converter:


Friday, February 1, 2019

Assignment 3, 4, 5 Where I'm From Poem and Video

Where I'm From/ George Ella Lyon


1. Review:
Assignment #1---MLA Heading on paper, 12 pt. Times Roman font  Heart Map or Writing Prompt
Assignment #2--From your list, write about one of your SPECIFIC Heart Map ideas (at least one page double-spaced)
Print out Assignments 1 and 2 today and put in your folder

2. Begin working on "Where I'm From" poems which we will turn into a movies next week with Moviemaker by adding images and music.


Look over Examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG3iP08HKZA

2. Show video of original poem:

3. HANDOUT: Where I'm From template--Write your own "Where I'm From" poem in a Word or Google Doc using the model and the template